Center Based Programs & Outpatient Services
Silver Lining ABA provides an intensive program for clients who need individualized intervention. The staff to client ratio ranges from 1:1 and 1:2 to small groups of 2:6 depending on the client's behavior and level of functioning. Each client's intervention plan is completely individualized and established in collaboration with the client, family, and IEP/ISP team.
1:1 Intensive Intervention:
Silver Lining ABA's philosophy is to employ research-based strategies aimed at maximizing the potential of persons served. Our treatment program's foundation is positive reinforcement and features individualized objectives that are designed to define specific competencies and measure them frequently, relative to both a peer group and the client's intrinsic potential. This empirical rigor delivers flexibility and precision unattainable by traditional teaching methods. Initial goals will focus on communication and the reduction of maladaptive behaviors. As the client progresses, programming will focus on academic/educational activities, daily living skills, adaptive behavior, social skills development, vocational readiness, and advanced communication skills.
After School ABA Sessions:
Clients that are enrolled in a public or private school placement and need additional intervention may participate in our therapeutic after school treatment program from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm.
Behavioral Health Counseling and Therapy:
Psychotherapy is a technique for treating mental health disorders including emotional, behavioral, personality and some psychiatric disorders. Psychotherapy helps the client and their family understand what helps them feel positive or anxious, as well as accepting their strong and weak points teaching them coping skills to deal with difficult situations successfully through the use of communication, writing, artwork, drama, narrative story or music. Our team of therapists will work with the individual and/or their family to devise an appropriate treatment plan that best meets the client's needs.
Social Skills Groups:
Social skills groups are designed to provide training to clients on specific social skills following widely used curriculums that meet any client's incoming skill level. Session ratios are 1 instructor to 2-3 clients. Based on the client's prerequisite skills they will be placed in one of the following sessions: introductory skill building, intermediate social skill building, advanced social skill building, teen groups, or adult groups.
Outreach Services
We offer home-based intensive intervention services and consultation for clients and their families. The Silver Lining Group team will implement, and monitor behavior support plans and design programs to increase skills in the areas of social interaction, academics, play and leisure, communication, and daily living skills. A consultant is primarily responsible for determining the client's treatment plan in collaboration with the parents and other professionals and training the parent and home staff to implement programs specific to each client's needs. Home-based technicians will provide the direct care and program implementation.
Parent, Professional, and
Community Training:
The Silver Lining Group provides training seminars throughout the year on a variety of skills and topics to help bring clients to their highest potential by increasing awareness and providing training and supervision for families, providers, school districts and the community. Please contact us for a list of training topics. In addition, the Silver Lining Group can customize training to meet an organization's or individual's needs.
School and Community Based Services:
The Silver lining Group provides school and community based intervention services for children and adolescence with special needs. The Silver Lining Group team develops, implements, and monitors programs aimed at supporting individuals in their school and community placements as well as providing ongoing training and support for the providers in this environments. The Silver Lining Group can provide consultation within schools at the request of the school district or community placement such as behavior management, consultation and functional analysis of behaviors, IEP goal development, academic consultation, peer mediation training, paraprofessional training and staff development seminars. In addition, the Silver Lining Group can provide direct care aides to work with clients in private or public school programs, vocational sites, or other community-based placements.
Assessment, Diagnosis, and Referral Services
Assessment and Diagnostic Services:
Our comprehensive Assessment and Diagnostic Services offer the traditional measurements to attain diagnosis and fundamental recommendations. A complete assessment of overall functioning and symptomatology is conducted to determine diagnosis. Additional information about development, social behavior and language are obtained through parent/client and professional reports, direct observation and testing with the client. A detailed report outlining assessment results and recommendations will follow.
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Functional Analysis (FA):
A Functional Behavior Assessment is an in-depth assessment of an individual's behavior. It relies on a variety of techniques and strategies to identify the cause or function of interest. The Silver Lining Group utilizes an extensive and evidence-based approach when conducting functional behavior assessments. The assessment begins with the gathering of basic information followed by an indirect assessment. This phase is comprised of interviews that are completed by primary caregivers of the individual with the problem behavior. The final phase is the direct assessment. Our behavior analysts observe the behavior of interest as it occurs in the natural environment and take data. The information collected during the indirect and direct phases of assessments is analyzed in order to make predictions about what variables trigger and maintain the behavior, and what function the behavior serves for the individual. FBAs enable the treatment/intervention team to select appropriate interventions and develop a sound behavior plan that is tailored specifically to the individual and family's needs.
Summer Programs
Summer Sessions
Silver Lining Group's summer sessions are an extension of our Center Based Educational/Intervention Services. Enrollment is open to clients that attend Silver Lining Group throughout the academic school year, as well as to clients that are enrolled in other public or private school placements during the school year. Silver Lining Group's summer sessions provide autistic children and children with Down syndrome, mental health disorders, and developmental disabilities a structured and fun summer environment while working on goals established by the child's IEP/ISP team.
Extended School Year (ESY) Services:
Extended School Year is a program that provides children with disabilities IEP services during the summer months. Extended School Year, like most other special education programs, varies from school district to school district. Depending upon your child's needs and abilities (and on your school district), it may be possible to get ESY funding for summer intervention. There are several public school districts that contract with the Silver Lining Group to provide these services.
Adolescent Services
The Silver Lining Group provides many of its services to children, adolescents and adults including Behavioral Health Counseling and Therapy, Social Skills Groups, Advocacy, Community Based Services and Training.
Please see the service descriptions for more detailed information on these programs. In addition to those mentioned above, the Silver Lining Group provides programs specific to adolescents and adults.
Transition Planning
Transition services are a coordinated set of activities that facilitate our clients' movement from school to post school education, vocational education, supported employment, independent living and community participation. They are designed to be results-oriented and focus on improving the academic, vocational and functional achievement of the individual. Transition planning takes into account the clients' strengths, preferences and interests. It includes instruction, related services, community experiences, and the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives. Our team acts as your tour guide to help you navigate through this challenging process.